Every Nine Seconds -
Any town, Any time, Anywhere
Themes: domestic violence, IPV, femicide, behind closed doors, accelerated and deteriorating social and interpersonal behavior.
Description: This dimensionalized portrayal of the chilling U.S. statistic ‘every nine seconds a woman is beaten or assaulted’ consists of 264 paper houses presented in formations that visually refer to generic residential communities. Blind embossed text on the outer surface of the houses state that this could represent any town, anywhere and be taking place at any time. Every nine seconds the calm of the setting is visually and audibly interrupted as a random house lights up red with accompanying audio - of a detonator accelerating in volume. On surrounding walls the text 'every nine seconds’ had been translated into different languages. Comparatively to three decades ago when I undertook my first installation on domestic violence, statistically women were assaulted or subjected to violence every 15 seconds.
Date: 2019
Dimensions: Platform formation 124” x 183.5” - Walls with text translations 144” x 79”
Installation: Behind Closed Doors 2021, O'Connor Group Art Gallery, Chilliwack Cultural Centre, Chilliwack BC